Enchanting Photographs of Maine Coon Cats Embellished with Flower Crowns

Chicago is home to a remarkable Maine Coon cat who truly embodies regality. This elegant feline adds a touch of aristocracy to his appearance by gracing himself with meticulously crafted crowns made from the most luxurious artificial flowers available. Maine Coons, known for their natural charm and majestic presence, possess an allure that is impossible to ignore. Leo, with his captivating photographs, has managed to amass a large following on Instagram, and it’s not hard to see why. Despite being the center of attention while wearing his majestic crown, Leo gladly shares the spotlight with his adorable furry siblings – Lucy, Ori, Birdie, Bunnie, and Kota. If you want to learn more about Leo and his delightful companions, keep reading.

Can you describe Leo’s personality?
Allow me to introduce you to Leonidas (or Leo, as we affectionately call him), a remarkable feline weighing a whopping 21 lbs and boasting six glorious years of life. Leo is predominantly a laid-back cat who takes pleasure in luxuriating on the sofa or basking in the sunlit surroundings of our catio. However, when his tummy growls or his longing for attention grows insatiable, Leo transforms into a demanding creature, incessantly meowing until his desires are satisfied. On occasion, he even employs gentle headbutts and delicate paw pokes to effectively communicate his intentions.

When did Leo’s affinity for wearing flower crowns first catch your attention? Well, I wouldn’t exactly say that Leo “enjoys” donning flower crowns, nor do most cats for that matter. However, Leo is quite accommodating when it comes to this peculiar fashion choice because he knows that treats await him! It’s almost like paying a model for their time, except instead of money, Leo receives tasty rewards. It’s crucial to note that not all cats are as tolerant as Leo when it comes to this sort of thing, even with treats as an incentive. Among all my feline companions, Leo is the sole member who possesses the patience required. Additionally, it’s important to mention that the photos you see capture just a fleeting moment in time—Leo only wears the crown for about 5-10 seconds before I remove it and give him his well-deserved treats.
Regarding the crowns themselves, I must confess that I am not the creative mind behind their design. The majority of them are acquired from my friend Yarely, who curates a delightful Instagram account known as @freyasfloralco. She possesses an incredible talent for crafting stunning faux flower crowns!


I would love to hear some stories about your feline crew, including Lucy, Ori, Birdie, and Bunnie Kota!

Lucy, the elegant gray furball, became a part of our family when she was just 5 years old. We adopted her from PAWS Chicago, and her previous owners had already named her Lucy. We thought it was a fitting name, and she seemed to respond to it, so we decided to keep it. With her age now at 11, Lucy has proved to be quite the independent feline. She knows exactly how to get her way, whether it’s giving me a little poke when she’s hungry or demanding water from the faucet. One of her favorite activities is curling up on a cozy lap, and she never hesitates to join me on the couch. Lucy is generally accepting of new furry friends, as long as they don’t disturb her peaceful existence.

In my quest for a new feline companion, fate led me to Ori, a captivating Bengal kitten from the esteemed Leap of Faith Bengals in sunny California. Inspired by Greek mythology and seeking a name that would complement my beloved feline companion Leonidas, I settled on the moniker Orion. However, desiring a name with two syllables, I ensured that a shortened version could be used as well.

Fast forward three years, and Ori has blossomed into a vivacious adult cat, brimming with boundless energy. His days are predominantly spent sprinting on his trusty feline exercise wheel, reminiscent of an enthusiastic younger brother who can’t resist playing with his elder siblings, Leo and Lucy. Occasionally, he receives a gentle reprimand when his siblings are less inclined to indulge in his playful shenanigans.

Yet, Ori possesses a remarkable nurturing side, transforming into an exceptional foster brother. He approaches all our foster cats and kittens with delicate care and tenderness, often embracing them in cuddles and offering soothing grooming sessions.


The past year brought Birdie and Bunnie into my life as foster cats, but they ended up becoming permanent members of my family – what they call “foster failures.” Initially, they were known as Laverne and Shirley, but due to the rescue already having a kitten named Shirley, I had to give them new names. Birdie earned her title for her bird-like behavior of perching on shoulders, while Bunnie was named after her penchant for hopping over whenever she wanted attention. Interestingly, there was another family in the final stages of adopting these two, but they had a change of heart at the eleventh hour. The idea of parting with them was unbearable, so I made the decision to keep them for myself. These two feline companions have captured my heart with their affectionate nature. Additionally, they have integrated harmoniously with the other cats in my home, making them a perfect fit.

Birdie and Bunnie

Allow me to introduce you to Kota, my cherished canine companion who has an uncanny affinity for feline behavior. I bestowed upon him the name Kota simply because it resonated with me on a deep level, not due to any specific reason. Now at the age of four, Kota has emerged as the perfect accompaniment for foster cats who require reassurance and familiarity in the presence of canines. Contrary to what one might expect, Kota finds more solace in the company of cats than his fellow canines. He has become my unwavering shadow, a constant presence in my life that I simply cannot envision being without.

While Leo may exude an air of regality and seriousness in photographs, there is something truly extraordinary about him. Leo, you see, is a bona fide mama’s boy who delights in being cradled like a baby, his belly exposed as he rests comfortably on my lap. Moreover, he derives great pleasure from being gently swayed over my shoulder while I am standing, a unique and endearing quality that sets him apart.

I would like to take a moment to show my appreciation to Jane for sparing her time to have a lovely conversation with me about her incredibly cute pets. I am truly grateful for her allowing me to feature their snapshots for all the devoted followers of Cattitude Daily to enjoy. Please do not hesitate to share these adorable photos with any other cat lovers you may know who would delight in seeing Leo and his stunning furry buddies. Moreover, if you are interested in seeing more captivating glimpses of Leo, Lucy, Ori, Birdie, Bunnie, and Kota, be sure to give them a follow on Instagram.

Leo the Maine Coon’s Instagram page displays a magnificent assortment of pictures that capture his charming and regal nature.

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