An Intriguing and Delicious Adventure: Unveiling the Baby-Like Exotic Fruit for the Bold Taste Explorers

In the charming village of Lianghexia, a Chinese farmer joyfully reaps a bountiful crop of pears that have an amusingly unique twist – they are shaped like Buddha!

In the serene countryside of Weixian county in Handan city, located in the northern region of Hebei province, an extraordinary occurrence unfolded on August 8, 2018. A hardworking farmer from this picturesque Chinese village rejoiced as he harvested a bountiful crop of pears, each one bearing a divine appearance resembling the tranquil countenance of Buddha.

The pears shaped like Buddha are quite sought after and are priced quite high. It’s important to note that these pears don’t naturally grow to resemble children. To achieve their unique appearance, farmers employ a technique similar to plastic surgery. They carefully place a mold on the fruit as it starts to develop, altering its shape.

So far, a total of 28 unique varieties of pears with unconventional shapes have been successfully cultivated.

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